Thursday, January 1, 2009


Why "ShrinkRap," which is a monicker I have long wanted to use?

It captures both the teasing reference to my profession (shrink = psychoanalyst) and the idea of talking (which shrinks don't do much of; we do more listening). And all of it packaged in a concise blog format (shrink wrap).

This blog is primarily for me. Putting thoughts into the written word moves me a step beyond the miasma of vague thoughts and feelings that never quite get articulated. I have no illusions about a wide readership; but just the idea that someone might read what I'm writing moves me to try to say it well, which is what's fun about writing, for me. If anyone does read it, comments will be most welcome.



  1. Hi Ralph,

    I love to read your blogs. You are terrific at putting into words what many of us a feeling.


  2. Thanks, Susan,
    I'm more than a little abashed at having the chutzpah to assume that anyone would want to read what I think. So, I appreciate the reassurance.


  3. I'm completely new to blogging - but I'm willing to try it with you. May not have anything to say, but will enjoy reading. Happy, happy... Dyck I'm already intimidated. What the hell is meant by my profile? I don't identify with any option offered.

  4. Dyck, I'm not sure about that profile selection either. But whatever you did was ok; your comment was posted.
