Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gall to end all gall

Can Republicans sink any lower? -- specifically those in Congress who have decided that, since they can't "legislate" (meaning, in their lexicon, "control the process"), they are going to obstruct the Democrats in every way they can.

Well, this comes close to taking the prize for gall and chutzpah, both:

They're outraged !!! outraged, you hear? about the AIG bonuses. And they are passing around talking points painting Senator Chris Dodd and the Democratic Party as "stooges of big business."

A few facts: the bonuses in question were contracted last summer while Bush and his Treasury Secretary Paulsen were still in charge of managing the crisis.

There is a legitimate question of whether the Obama team could have prevented the bonuses from being paid. And the point of their going after Dodd is that he first introduced an amendment that would have taxed bonuses over $100,000 and then watered it down at the request of Treasury to exclude bonuses under prior contract. Plus the fact that Dodd has received more campaign money from AIG than any other politician. Not surprising, given that he is the chair of the Senate Banking Committee and, I believe, it's headquarters are in his state. But disturbing in the general way that lobbying money influence is disturbing. It doesn't mean he simply does their bidding -- as evidenced by his trying to tax their bonuses.

I do see a problem in Summers and Geithner both having Wall St. DNA and I would be happier with Obama's team if those offices had been filled with people from a different background.

But for Republicans to ever, in our life time, try to claim that the other party is the stooge of big business is awesome in its audacity.

They're just playing politics and, seeing a parade of outrage, are rushing to get out in front and pretend to lead it.


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