Friday, March 13, 2009

More GA Legislature shenanigans

I guess I shouldn't parade our dirty laundry in public, buy I don't consider it "ours," since our state government is entirely under the control of the Republicans. Here are a few more shenanigans:

1. While the tax on groceries died in committee, the bill to eliminate the ad valorem auto tax is still viable. Rich people have lots of expensive cars, so they will benefit from eliminating the tax on cars. Even though the grocery tax failed, you can see the strategy: eliminate the tax on wealthy folks and put the tax on something poor people have to have: food.

2. Although saner heads stripped the stem cell bill of its definition of a one-day old embryo as a human being and removed the ban on the destruction of embryos for research purposes, the bill to prevent the creation of embryos for the purpose of scientific research continues. Presumably this would still allow "extras" left over from in vitro fertilization processes to be used, but the tone of the debate still has a chilling effect on attracting scientists to our research universities.

3. Another bill would allow for the "adoption" of embryos. Not sure what that entails, but it sounds like another desperate attempt from the right-to-lifers to make any headway they can.

4. Although it's not yet a bill, Rep. Timothy Bearden says he will introduce one to allow him to enter the Atlanta airport with his gun. Last year, Bearden's bill was passed that allows owners of licensed guns to carry them on public transportation and in parks and restaurants. The airport authority refuses to allow it, and it wound up in court when Bearden challenged them. He lost in a lower court and now has lost on appeal.

Why Bearden needs to go armed into the airport is a mystery to me, but he claims he needs to protect his family. I don't think he's claiming the right to carry his gun on a plane; just to visit the airport. But it should be the safest place in the city. It makes no sense except as a "you can't tell me I can't carry my gun" issue.

Bearden says he will introduce a bill to spell out what was clearly the legislative intent, which will then over-ride the court decision. It's too late for this year's session, but stay tuned. At least we're safe for another year from shoot-outs in the baggage claim area.

But I have a suggestion. The airport has wonderful assistance for handicapped travelers: wheel chairs with escorts right there at the front door to take you to your plane. Let's provide a personal body guard for anyone who feels unsafe without his gun in the airport area. It would eliminate any rational reason for someone to carry a gun, and it would also provide a few extra jobs in these tough economic times.


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