Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lighter fare for a spring morning

Rudy Giuliani is reportedly gearing up to run for governor of New York.

He must have taken a page from Newt Gingrich's guide book, the one where Newt got religion and had himself blessed by Pat Robertson so he could go after the family values crowd -- just in case he hears the call to run for president.

So what course is thrice married Rudy taking? He's crowing about the blunder he believes current governor David Paterson has made in introducing a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in New York. Rudy claims it will be the downfall of the Democratic Party in New York, because it will spark a grassroots movement.

In New York??? Come on, Iowa has same-sex marriage. Does he really think New Yorkers will let a corn belt state out-liberal them?

Now here's the jokey part of this. When Rudy's second wife kicked him out of the governor's mansion -- or rather when he moved out after she refused to allow him to bring his mistress to formal affairs in the mansion, the mistress who is now Mrs. Giuliani and would be the First Lady -- he moved in, and lived for some weeks, with a committed gay male couple that were his long time friends.

And -- get this -- it was widely reported in the press that Rudy had told them that if it ever became legal for them to marry, he would perform the ceremony. As mayor he could have done that. Now Rudy is being quoted as saying:
"Marriage, both traditionally and legally, has always been between a man and a woman and should remain between a man and woman."
Ah, politics and hypocrisy !! Especially Republican politics and hypocrisy !!!

Here's a suggestion, Rudy. Why don't you dress up in your drag outfit, the one you wore in the video clip of you and Donald Trump smooching for charity -- well, actually The Donald kissed you on the neck and you hit him with your handbag, while teetering in your high heels and your very lady-like dress. Yes, that outfit. It did wonders for you, especially the blond wig. Wear that, and go out on the campaign trail and preach about the "gathering storm" of gay marriage that is making everyone afraid, very afraid.

It should be a hoot. But I doubt you'll get elected.


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