Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Straight talk about health care reform

There is no greater indictment of our money-talks system of government than the difficulty of achieving effective health care reform. Even Obama seemed to want to keep advocates of a single-payer plan out of the negotiations and hearings.

Why? Simply because of the lobbying power of the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. It's true, a single-payer system would decimate the health insurance industry and greatly reduce profits for big pharma.

Now, in the 11th hour of the debate -- on a comedy show !!! -- the public is going to hear about the single-payer plan. Dr. Aaron Carroll, of the Indiana University School of Medicine, who published a study last year showing 59 percent of U.S. physicians now support national health insurance, will be on The Colbert Report tonight (Tuesday) at 11:30pm.

Dr. Carroll has written:
“There are now more uninsured people in the United States than at any time since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in the mid-1960s. … These numbers represent extraordinary suffering, unnecessary disability and premature deaths — at least 18,000 deaths per year, according to the Institute of Medicine. …

“There is one sure-fire way to make these numbers come down. It worked for seniors in the 1960s and it still works for them today. You may hear politicians demonizing government-run health insurance, but you will hear none run on a platform of eradicating Medicare; nor will any turn it down for themselves when they turn 65. Call it whatever you want: National health insurance, Medicare-for-all, ‘single payer’ or socialized health insurance; it doesn’t matter. Research shows that Medicare-for-all could save enough on administrative waste (over $350 billion) to cover all the 47 million uninsured and improve coverage for everyone else. A single-payer national health insurance system is the only way to drop the number of people lacking health insurance to zero.”

Rep. John Conyers Jr. has introduced a bill in the House, H.R. 676, that would implement a single-payer system; the bill now has 85 co-sponsors. Recently Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a single-payer bill in the U.S. Senate, S. 703.
Makes sense. I support it. Why can't we do something that works, for a change. We'll spend a trillion dollars on a cobbled together plan, trying to please everyone, and it will only marginally improve our expensive, stupid health care system.


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