Monday, August 24, 2009

Kudos to AJC

Sunday's Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a special 6 page section that is the most comprehensive report I have seen on the issues of health care reform. Containing pro and con articles about the cost, as well as comparison charts of the various bills under consideration, sample cases of how reform would affect six different categories of people, what businesses are concerned about, and the position of each Georgia Congressman.

It's a locally produced report. The reporters and editors deserve a lot of credit for putting some sanity and facts into what has come close to being a disasterous roll-out of the most important public policy change in decades.

The AJC also has a web site where you can read all the proposed bills and numerous articles and updates.

Go to


1 comment:

  1. Leave it to Barney Frank to inject a bit of humor into these town hall freak shows. Confronted with accusations of his supporting Obama's "Nazi plan" and other raucus demonstrators, he still controlled the microphone and asked, "OK, who would like to yell next?"
