Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More good reasoning on health care

Robert Creamer's article on HuffingtonPost today gives three reasons why a strong public plan is likely to be part of what eventually gets passed and signed into law.

1). A Public Option is the most elegant and politically viable solution to a major practical problem. And he makes a good, detailed case to back this one up.

2). The politics of Congress and the White House. Now that it's clear that Republicans are not going to vote for it, no matter how many concessions they make, they are free to pursue a good bill that really works. And it will be essential that health care reform passes. If Obama and Democratic leaders of House and Senate stand firm on public option, the Blue Dogs will come on board rather than be responsible for defeating health care reform.

3). Inclusion of a public option is necessary to assure a mobilizable base to counterbalance a highly-motivated right wing and make passage of any health insurance reform possible. This is now recognizing that by catering to the conservatives, they will lose support from progressives. So why not do the right thing? Better to please your supporters than your opponents, especially when your opponents are committed to killing your plan in any case.

The reasoning in this article adds to my growing, but still cautious, optimism.

Here's the link to the article:


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