Friday, September 18, 2009

Rep. Gingrey (R-GA) sneers

Huffington Post headlines it as Georgia's Phil Gingrey laughing at 14,000 Americans losing their health insurance every day. That's stretching it a little bit.

What he does, however, is not pretty. Speaking in the House of Representatives, he sneers laughingly at the Democrats' use of the fact that 14,000 people lose their insurance every day as a reason we have to pass effective reform.

What Doctor Gingrey (one of GA's three doctors in Congress) says: "They don't lose their health insurance because it's too expensive. They lose it because . . they've . . lost . . their . . jobs!" (snicker, snicker -- as though he had stumped the chumps).

And that explains exactly what, Dr. Gingrey?

In fact, it's exactly why we must pass reform, so that people don't lose their insurance when they lose their jobs. It's called portability.


1 comment:

  1. Meanwhile, a Harvard study has shown that 45,000 deaths a year are related to lack of health insurance -- more than deaths from drunk driving and homicide combined.
