Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baucus bill passes

The Senate Finance Committee passed the bill by 14-10 with Olympia Snowe joining all 13 Democrats. She said "my vote today is my vote today" and does not predict how she will vote on the final bill. She saw it as helping to move the process along, with the hope of getting a plan even more to her liking in the final bill. That's pretty good reasoning to at least vote for cloture to assure 60 votes when the time comes. Then even if she votes against the bill, there will be enough votes to get the simple majority.

But she braved the wall of opposition from her fellow Republicans, including a last minute threat that it might cost her the ranking minority position on the Commerce Committee when Sen. Kaye Bailey Hutchinson leaves in January to run for governor of Texas.

So Sen. Snowe deserves credit for keeping her focus on what's important. Just wish she was a little further to the liberal side to assure her support later on. But, if she braves the threats now, she probably will later on, and quite likely Susan Collins will join her.


1 comment:

  1. Rep. Jane Harmon and Rep. Loretta Sanchez both are members of the Blue Dog Democrats. But they released a statement tonight saying they are breaking from the pack and strongly backing a public option plan.

    This may be very important. They gave a well-reasoned analysis of why they think it is important -- the only way to contain costs, and fiscal responsibility is one of the reasons for being a BD.
