Saturday, November 7, 2009

220 to 215

The House health care reform bill passed with a 5 vote margin. It's public plan is weaker than I would like, but it does have a public option.

The restrictive anti-abortion amendment that was introduced by a Blue-Dog Democrat passed, so it is in the bill. But many, including Republicans who tried to get assurances that it would be in the final reconciliation bill, think it will not survive the conference committee.

Nevertheless, it allowed some conservative Democracts to vote for the bill that might not otherwise. And, bad as it is, it has no power to stop abortions; it simply forbids insurance plans in the public option to pay for them.

Now, on to the senate. It might just come together and give Obama and the Democrats a huge boost, in addition to giving American citizens a bold first step toward a health care system that is better for all.


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