Thursday, December 10, 2009

Odds and ends (with emphasis on "odd")

Some news of the day:

1. Sarah Palin, when asked by Laura Ingraham whether she would debate Al Gore on climate change, replied: "Oh my goodness. You know, it depends on what the venue would be, what the forum. Because Laura, as you know, if it would be some kind of conventional, traditional debate with his friends setting it up or being the commentators I'll get clobbered because, you know, they don't want to listen to the facts. They don't want to listen to some reasonable voices in this."

So, Sarah, how would YOU structure a debate with Al Gore on climate change, if not the "conventional, traditional" format? Moose guns at 20 paces? Jason Linkins suggests: "maybe a dogsled race that you quit halfway through."

2. Cecil Bothwell was elected to the Asheville, NC city council; but opponents are challenging his right to be seated, because he is an atheist. In fact, article 6, section 8 of the North Carolina Constitution says: “The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

This violates the U. S. Constitution, but it remains in the N. C. Constitution.

3. One of the battle cries of the Tea Party movement is defiance against government taking over control of their lives. So guess what a group of them in California is pushing: an initiative that would force public schools to sing Christmas carols, under penalty of law if they don't.

4. Tarek Salahi (the W. H. party crasher) handed over his luxury designer wristwatch to pay off a debt to his landscaper, claiming it would more than cover the $2,000 balance. A jeweler immediately spotted it as a fake, worth less than $100. Fake guests; fake watch.

5. In a poll by Public Policy Polling, 35% of Republicans want Obama impeached. The crimes were not specified -- just because Glenn Beck says so, perhaps.


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