Monday, January 11, 2010

But before I go . . . one more

So there !!! all you critics of President Obama !!!
In his first year in office, President Obama did better even than legendary arm-twister Lyndon Johnson in winning congressional votes on issues where he took a position, a Congressional Quarterly study finds.

The new CQ study gives Obama a higher mark than any other president since it began scoring presidential success rates in Congress more than five decades ago. And that was in a year where Obama tackled how to deal with Afghanistan, Iraq, an expanding terrorist threat, the economic crisis and battles over health care.

I think the Republican critics are beginning to trip themselves up, because they have become so predictable. Everything, literally everything, elicits a knee-jerk bashing. The latest good example was Liz Cheney on This Week yesterday, whining in her grating nasal voice about Harry Reid's "racism."

None other than conservative George Will swatted her down, saying something to the effect that that is ridiculous, and then he visibly scoffed at her attempted rebuttal. And Robert Reich kindly, perhaps even a bit condescdendingly, explained to her that race was talked about a lot during the campaign but that didn't make everybody a racist.

Maybe we need to take a clue from Ronald Reagen and dismiss them with "There you go again."


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