Friday, January 8, 2010

Lies, lies, and more lies

Come on, you gutless TV stenographers and megaphones, who simply pass on and amplify any old lie Republicans want to spout. It's time to start saying: "Oh, really? What about . . . ?"

First it was Dana Perino, then Mary Matalin (mouthpiece for Dick Cheney). I believe even first XVP daughter and mouthpiece Liz Cheney said it too:

Now it's Rudy Giuliani himself -- remember him? the Mayor of New York City on 9/11/01 when the twin towers were toppled by terrorist hijackers -- spouting the same lie:
"We had no domestic attacks under Bush; we've had one under Obama."
Incredible, bald-faced lies. And George Stephanopolis, who conducted the interview on Good Morning America, repeated the quote on his blog without questioning the truth of it.

Even if all these folks meant to say no attacks after 9/11 on Bush's watch, what about the shoe bomber and the anthrax terrorist attempts? In another interview the day before, Guiliani even claimed that the shoe bomber incident occurred before 9/11, which it did not. It was after.

And just for the record: what about Bush's responsibility for lack of action on the intelligence that could have prevented the big one itself on 9/11? That certainly did occur during Bush's term. Even they can't deny that -- they just hope we'll overlook that little detail.

Come on -- they're reviving this slippery lie just to try to make political hay out of the fact that we have now had an attempted terrorist attack during Obama's presidency. These are the patriots who put their country first?

You can't really expect better from these partisan hacks. And apparently it's only a dream to expect more from supposed journalists and pundits. What's happened to George Steph? Being popular enough to land the GMA job went to his head?


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