Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh . . .!

Maybe everyone else has already been aware of this, and I should have known, but it escaped me until I just read an article from the Boston Globe.

Scott Brown was elected only to serve out the remainder of Ted Kennedy's term. He will have to run again in 2012. I have been lamenting the full six year term.

The Globe article was promoting Elizabeth Warren as a good candidate to run against him. She would be that, but I want this highly articulate Harvard Law professor in a prominent place on Obama's economic team. She's been out there plugging along as chair of the TARP Oversight Committee and a popular TV guest because of her positions and her clear way of presenting them.

She is noted for her strong advocacy on behalf the middle class and her fierce criticism of the bank bailouts. Move over Geithner and Summers.


1 comment:

  1. Why Senate? Why not run her for President? We could use someone who understands what needs to be done to fix this economy.

    Did you read Reich's piece about how Obama's 'freeze'(a McCain position Obama rejected during the election) helps Wall Street without doing anything of real value to the middle class? Reich draws a convincing parallel between Clinton's and Obama's moves to the right for re-election purposes, but Reich also makes the distinction that Clinton was helped by an economic recovery which was coming anyways; for Obama there is no such recovery on the horizon. So what is it then? Posturing? A gimmick? A re-election strategy? Bad policy? Placating Wall Street?

    I don't know where this guy is coming from anymore.
