Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shame on Little Liz

The list of conservatives who are denouncing the smear campaign by Liz Cheney's Keep American Safe tv ad continues to mount:

1. Nine former Bush administration officials.
2. Senator Lindsey Graham
3. Clinton impeachment prosecutor and Dean of Pepperdine Law School, Ken Starr
4. Former Bush Attorney General Michael Mukasey

This is remarkable. Conservative powerhouses criticizing the XVP's daughter and mouthpiece.

It is certainly deserved, because Liz (aided and abetted by Bill Kristol, I've read) has struck at the very heart of the judicial ethic that everyone deserves legal representation, no matter the alledged crime. So when Liz tries to brand the lawyers who defended Guantanimo detainees as "terrorist sympathizers" (some of the detainees turned out to be innocent, remember) and says the lawyers are not fit to later serve as attorneys in the Department of Justice, she is attacking our American sense of fairness and justice.

Here's how Lindsey Graham put it to The Cable: "...America requires the unpopular to have an advocate and every time a defense lawyer fights to make the government do their job, that defense lawyer has made us all safer."

Liz is out of her league and has been for a long time. That's why I call her "Little Liz." She has her father's screwy values and her mother's disagreeable personal style -- a really, really bad combination.


1 comment:

  1. Ken Starr called the ad ". . . very unwise, and really an out-of-bounds characterization and challenge to good, honorable lawyers."

    Michael Mukasey referred to the thinking behind the ad as "shoddy and dangerous." And this from a man who defends the Bybee and Yoo justification for torture.
