Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nutty Michele B. is back

OK. My moratorium on ridiculing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is over. I gave it a rest. But her appearance on FoxNews not only reveals her complete lack of sense but also Chris Wallace's complete lack of journalistic reporting.

As reported by Sam Stein (HuffPost), Wallace asked her why she is such a lightning rod.
"Well," the congresswoman replied, "I think part of that may be because when I talk about what is happening in Washington, D.C., I use the actual statements or comments or the data that Nancy Pelosi or President Obama or Harry Reid refer to. I use their own statements on them. And usually they don't like that very much. They don't like to be quoted back with what they've said."
I see. Let's look at what Michele actually does talk about that gets people riled up. Among other things she has suggested:
1. that Congress needed to be investigated for anti-American members
2. that a significant portion of the scientific community didn't believe in evolution

3. that the Census would lead to a modern day equivalent of Japanese-America determent
camps in WWII
4. that the Obama administration was a "gangster government"

5. that health care reform would allow 13-year-olds to get abortions done at sex clinics.

Wallace did not bring up any of these major themes she usually touts nor point out that neither Obama, Pelosi, or Reid has advocated any such things.

But nutty Michele has a loud following in her district, who apparently prefer being lied to, and she will probably be re-elected. It must be a riot when she and Sarah Palin campaign together.


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