Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What ?? John Boehner must be kidding !

John Boehner's tanning bed must be frying his brain. Why else would he commit political suicide by saying that we should increase the Social Security retirement age to 70 in order to pay for the war?

I know, that is consistent with Republican philosophy. But to say so in an on-record interview -- that he wants to take money from old folks to pay for a war that Bush started, so the rich people can keep their tax cuts that he gave them at the same time he was invading Iraq?

What a political gift -- if only the Democrats knew how to make use of such lunacy. Campaign slogans, bumper stickers, cartoons, late night comedians ridiculing grandpa who is so unpatriotic that he wants to retire instead of doing his part to help pay for the war. Show a slave-master with a giant whip, lashing out at all the grandpas chained together struggling to pull a huge armored Hummer out of the ditch -- and having an IED blow them all up. That should do it.

Is it possible I'm missing something? Is this a weird coded message to the Tea Party crowd? I can't make any sense -- even Republican sense -- out of it.


1 comment:

  1. You, sir, are on a roll!
    Daily show move over!
