Thursday, July 8, 2010

To the highest bidder . . .

Leaking information about GOP financing for the 2010 campaigns for federal offices has it that they have pledges for almost $300 million. This includes the Chamber of Commerce $75M, American Crossroads $52M, Americans for Prosperity $45M, NRA $20M -- all adding up to at least twice what they spend on the 2008 election -- and that was a presidential election.

Democrats are described as "stunned" by these figures -- and will have to try to match them. Labor will give large amounts, but no one expects the Dems to come close to the GOP.

This is obscene, disheartening, and scary. I think we've lost all hope of having an election that is about the difference in core principles such as: the role of government in people's lives and specific issues like war, regulation of industries, and providing health care.

What it boils down to is: who can spend the most money to spout what your focus group researchers have said will play well with your target constituencies. The more you repeat distortions and lies, the more people believe them. So TV advertising really does count a lot.

Today, my optimism is in a funk.


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