Monday, August 23, 2010

OK, GOP: Time to take a stand

So, can you guys just settle on one line of attack on who Obama is, please?

As Sam Stein points out on Huffington Post: Those attacking Obama's ethnic/cultural/political identify can't seem to settle on just what kind of alien religion they want to claim he is affiliated with:

During the campaign, when the Rev. Wright emerged, Obama was denounced for his supposed black liberation theology. Then he was a communist, or a Marxist (they don't seem to know the difference). Now he has become a Muslim sympathizer and -- worse -- a Muslim himself.

See, his father was a Muslim, so according to some, that makes him a Muslim, whether he wants to be or not. Never mind that, before Barack was born, his father had become an atheist and left the Muslim faith. And never mind that Barack hardly even knew his father, never lived with him, and was far more influenced by his mother and her white Protestant Kansas family.

Egad !!! Won't November ever come -- and go. Maybe when the election is over, those who exploit any scrap of anti-Obama rumor or distorted fact will just calm down and leave us all in peace.

It's not really about religion. It's about trying to destroy the Democratic control in Washington and to destroy this upstart black man living in the White House. It's about . . . politics.


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