Saturday, December 18, 2010

DADT *** IS *** DEAD

Just five minutes ago around 11:45am, the Senate took a cloture vote to move the repeal of DADT to debate and final vote. The vote to invoke cloture was:

63 for, 33 against
Debate and final vote will likely be this afternoon. This procedural vote almost certainly indicates that repeal will pass.

Stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. Anyone who read this post earlier may have caught my typo: I said the vote was 63-53. It should have been 63-33, as I have now corrected it.

    I was watching the live feed on CPSAN and misheard -- and didn't bother to do the math -- because I expected it to be close, not thinking that what had to be close was the 60/40 split, not 50/50.

    That's really an even more impressive majority for repeal.
