Thursday, January 20, 2011

HolyJoe just blew it

Any slight uptick in my (non)esteem for HolyJoe Lieberman just went slack . . . sagging . . . sagging . . . gone.

Appearing on Morning Joe, along with fellow guest Arianna Huffington, HolyJoe maintained that the war in Iraq was justified and he doesn't regret his support of it. He justifies this by claiming, despite lack of evidence, that he still believes that Sadaam was a threat to the stability of the region and that Iraq is much better off now and has become the most democratic Arab nation.

Arianna challenged this assertion, saying that even George W. Bush acknowledges now that believing there were WMD was his biggest mistake. HolyJoe refers to the Duelfer Report -- which did not find WMD but, according to HolyJoe, "proved" Sadaam had every intention to develop nuclear weapons and was developing chemical and biological WMDs.

Arianna countered that the report proved nothing of the sort.

Dripping with condescension, Lieberman retorted, "I don't think you've read it, sweetheart."

EEEUUUUUWWWWW !!!! And it was accompanied by that trademark sickly-sweet, kewpie doll smile that he flashes at inappropriate times. This is disgusting.

To say nothing of what it reveals about his character that he stubbornly refuses to face the reality that Sadaam had become a beleaguered, weakened tiger who wasn't much of threat to anyone but his own people.

Sen. McNothing is promoting his buddy HolyJoe, suggesting that Obama choose him to replace retiring Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense.

Bad idea. Very bad idea. HolyJoe and McNothing should just go off somewhere together and form a mutual admiration folie a duex.



  1. Joe Lieberman has turned out to be a contrarian extrordinaire. The things he says and does don't follow any pattern of thought or conviction. They seem to me to be more "cutesy" than anything else - perverse attention seeking behavior at best.

    I bet he tortures kittens...

  2. David Brooks wrote an op-ed piece today praising him for his valuable service to the Democrats in the Senate, in spite of his glaring desertion on certain issues and campaigning for McNothing in 2008.

    For me, it's the EEEUUUUWW-ICK factor that stems from his grossly fake demeanor -- playing gotcha games and reveling in the power he had as the 60th vote the Dems needed -- while putting on this pious act and the kewpie doll grin.

    HolyJoe impresses me as being a special kind of narcissistic character -- one who tries to conceal his grandiose entitlement with a mask of faux humility and piety. But it's just another layer of a grandiose, better-than-thou attitude.

    Remember back when he was Gore's VP running mate and they made such a big deal about how he would not campaign on Shabbat? Now, I respect someone who observes his religious traditions; but there was something about the holier-than-thou attitude that came through, even though the words were full of humility and sacrifice. That dissonance led to my nickname for him of HolyJoe.

    But much more than that, it's the fake-ness of his facial expressions. I don't trust people who smile inappropriately when they're talking.
