Friday, February 18, 2011

The myths about Reagan

Will Bunch, author of Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future (2009), has used the results of his research for this book to compile a 10 question litmus test for 2012 GOP hopefuls who want to cloak themselves in the Reagan mantle.

Bunch's point is that Reagan espoused every one of them -- but the myth somehow has morphed into the opposite impression, which is what his latter-day acolytes cling to.
1. "Will you pledge to create a pathway to U. S. citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants now in this country?"

2. "Will you support the concept that accused terrorists should be tried in American criminal courts and not in military tribunals?"

3. "If the federal deficit continues to grow, would you be willing to consider raising taxes to address the problem?"

4. "Will you support legislation to support to end the scourge of assault rifles in America?"

5. "Will you promise to oppose the use of torture -- no matter what the circumstances?"

6. "Will you appoint Supreme Court justices who will uphold Roe v. Wade as the rule of the land on abortion?"

7. "As president, will you do what is necessary to save Social Security as we know it?"

8. "Do you promise not to keep American troops in harm's way in a poorly defined mission?"

9. "Will you use the power of your office to protect the environment?"

10. "Will you make as your greatest priority the elimination of all nuclear weapons from the world?"

Bunch follows each question with the statement: "Because that's what Ronald Reagan did," and then he gives the situation and explanation of what Reagan did or said. And he concludes with this:
[T]oo bad that today's Tea-addled Republicans would be unlikely to emulate their beloved Gipper on even a single one of these. Who would have guessed that a 10-point progressive roadmap to a new and improved America is a hidden treasure buried within the bronze image of Ronald Reagan?
And then again -- we seem to prefer myths to truth. So this won't change a thing.


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