Saturday, March 19, 2011

Operation "Odyssey Dawn"

Now is the time for Newt either to apologize to President Obama or else just crawl in a hole somewhere and hope everyone forgets his misunderstanding, his impulsive bloviating, and his rash calling for military action against Libya without Arab and UN agreement. In other words, Newt would have taken us right back to 1993: all Bush cowboy, imperialist swagger -- and disaster.

Obama is being anything but passive and dithering. As of a few hours ago, an obviously pre-planned strategy was put into effect by the US and its allies that included missiles launched from our Navy vessels in the Mediterranean. Targets include the air defense system around Tripoli and tanks along the coast near Benghazi. This is coordinated with the French who are taking the lead in imposing the no-fly zone. We are essentially providing support for their operation, as well as knocking out the ground forces that have been devastating to the rebel cause.

But what a difference from 1993 -- and from what Newt would have had us do.

We waited to get broad international support, including the Arab League, the United Nations, and a wide array of European and African allies. Strikes occurred within hours after Hillary Clinton attended an international conference in Paris that endorsed military action against Gaddafi. There was not an hour of dithering and delay after we got all the support and cooperation lined up.

The spokesman from the Center for American Progress that I quoted in my last post is right: this has much more the pattern and the feel of the 1991 bombing of Baghdad than the 2003 invasion of Iraq. And it promises to be lightening quick and get out quick. As adamant as Obama is that Gaddafi must be stopped, he is equally determined for us not to get into another ground war.

Bravo to Obama. Brava to Clinton and Rice.



  1. McNothing and HolyJoe say Obama "waited too long."

    Michael Moore is horrified that we have started another war in an Arab country.

    I've always thought that when those on the right and on the left are both critical of your actions, you've probably done what you should have done -- if indeed there is any correct answer.

    My main concern is: what now? Latest word from Gates is that we will turn over control to a coalition, probably within days and limit our involvement.
