Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protests

Here's what it's all about:
With corporate profits soaring, with banks that were bailed out by taxpayer money giving million dollar bonuses to executives who caused the problem in the first place, and with unemployment stuck at nearly 10%, which doesn't even count those who have dropped out of the labor force and are no longer in the statistics . . .

There's this news:
Medium annual household income has fallen more during the recovery than it did during the recession.

From December 2007 to June 2009, incomes declined 3.2%
From June 2009 to June 2011, incomes decline 6.7%
Some "recovery" then. Huh? Unless you're rich or Republican.

Eric Cantor says he's getting "increasingly concerned about the mobs."

Good. Let's give him more to worry about. Let's have more "mobs" of suffering working class and middle class families marching in protest of Cantor and his hard-hearted cronies enjoying the spoils.

That is what is being protested.

This is not advocating socialism (but what would be wrong with that?). It's about cutting benefits for the poor, about laying off teachers, closing libraries, and gutting funds for research and environmental protection -- while, at the same time, allocating $1.5 million for the fool's errand of defending the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act in court . . . plus their eternal mantra: cut taxes for the "job creators."

They mean rich people and corporations. That's been done -- and it does not work that way.

So let's be clear about this -- and let's make the protests grow. There's one scheduled here at the state capital in Atlanta this Saturday.

Also: you can sign a petition of the DCCC to stand in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement at:


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