Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Looney Toons #4

Sorry, folks, but this Looney Toon is irresistible.

Michele Bachmann has had a style make-over (pearls, upsweep hairdo, professional makeup, a more elegant wardrobe) but she sounds just as nutty as ever. In fact, I'm tempted to quote erstwhile GOP candidate Sarah Palin -- about pigs and lipstick. But I won't.

Bachmann garnered a small headline the other day, saying that "President Obama lets the ACLU run the CIA." Excuse me? That was unhinged enough to qualify as a Looney Toon. **

But then she outdid herself with this, saying that we should be less socialistic and be more like China. I kid you not. Here's the quote:
“[LBJ's] ‘Great Society’ has not worked and it’s put us into the modern welfare state. If you look at China, they don’t have food stamps. If you look at China, they’re in a very different situation. They save for their own retirement security…They don’t have the modern welfare state and China’s growing. And so what I would do is look at the programs that LBJ gave us with the Great Society and they’d be gone.”
Let's see. China is officially The People's Republic of China, a Communist nation. Their top government leaders are always insider-members of the Communist Party, chosen by the Party. So Michele wants us to be more like the Communists?

But she also denounces Obama's "socialist" policies and programs. We should get rid of all social welfare programs that drag us down, so we can grow our economy like Communist China is doing.

But then again her campaign web site defends some of those "social welfare" programs. Here's a direct quote from the web site:
“Social Security and Medicare provide a safety net to millions of Americans. This is a system that many Americans have paid into their whole life. America needs to keep its promise to senior citizens.”
But the Chinese "save for their own retirement security;" we should be more like them. Does that mean do away with Social Security?

OK. Let's just all agree that Michele (Say Anything) Bachmann has no enduring sense of what she's saying. She just "says things."


** "Looney Toons" was MGM's first animated cartoon series dating back to the 1930's, with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig. I really should apologize to MGM for associating these GOP clowns with their lovable cartoon characters. But honestly I think the two appeal to the same level of childish mentality.

1 comment:

  1. Do you suppose Michele wants us to emulate China on it's regulartory control over prenancy and birth -- you know, the one where they decree that each couple can have only one child?

    How does that square with her not wanting the government to tell you how to live your life (except of course when it comes to things she is against, like gay marriage and abortion).

    Actually, there's no sense in trying to make sense out of Michele's positions on things. In her mind, she not only doesn't connect the dots; it's more like when she speaks words into the air, they just waft off and disappear. So she's free to speak more words without considering what she said before.

    She's what we sometimes used to call an "air head."
