Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ignorant Republicans

Remember those surveys that showed that people who watch FoxNews are less well-informed than people who do not follow any news sources?

Here's some more confirmation from a YouGov survey of 1000 individuals on their knowledge and attitudes about current events, with special emphasis on foreign policy.   Among the findings:

1.  62.9% of Republicans believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when we invaded them in 2003.

2.  55.6% of Republicans have always believed that Obama was born in another country.   Another 8% used to believe that he was born in the U. S. but now believe he was born in another country.   That's 63.6% who believe the Obama is not eligible to be president.

Note:   Almost 1 in 3 Republicans are grossly misinformed on these two issues that have been massively discussed for years in the public media.

And now we're in a political campaign where hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ads will spew out misinformation.   What a farce.   What a tragedy for our country.

There used to be a saying referring to "The best government money can buy" in reference to lobbying and high-level bribing.   I think this should be changed to "The worst government money can buy."


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