Friday, September 28, 2012

Careful, you're treading dangerous territory

As senior adviser to Mitt Romney, John Sununu should know better than to go there.  After all, he was George H. W. Bush's Chief of Staff from 1989 to 1991 and before that served three terms as governor of New Hampshire.   He is definitely a political insider.

He told Fox News that Obama is responsible for the attack on our consulate and the killing of our ambassador because he has "failed to maintain respect for the United States in that part of the world."
"One of the key responsibilities of a president is to keep up with the intelligence data that's coming in. . .  This president thinks he's so smart that he doesn't have to go through that. He thinks he doesn't need to put the extra work in for going through that process. That's why I say he's lazy and detached, and unfortunately Ambassador Stevens suffered the consequences of us not providing adequate security there."
Lazy and detached?   Doesn't read intelligence data?

Surely he's talking about George W. Bush, who famously either didn't read or didn't heed the August 6, 2001 intelligence brief that warned of an imminent attack on the U.S. by terrorists, which just weeks later resulted in 9/11 -- which perhaps could have been averted by a president paying attention to the intelligence data.

Obama intellectually lazy?

I don't think even his worst critics think that.   Sununu is just being a mean, Republican politician doing what they do when they get desperate.

It's not going to work this time, Sununuy boy.


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