Friday, August 16, 2013

Two big issues, and I can't decide

On many things in politics and our national affairs, I'm pretty sure what I think about them.  But on two of the big conflicts of the day, I am having trouble gaining clarity about a position.   One is Snowden and the NSA surveillance.    Yes, I think the degree of data collecting is scarey;  and, yes, I think what Snowden did was wrong and harmful to our national security.

The other issue is Egypt.   Yes, I am for democracy.   Yes, I think it was a bad thing for a democratically elected government to be overthrown by the military.  UNLESS the government itself has become corrupt, tyrannical, and is killing the nascent democracy;  AND the military action is limited to maintaining peace and order long enough for new elections. 

The current killing of protesters seems terrible.   Is the long-range goal still democracy, and is it worth this?   Perhaps yes, IF the military take-over is temporary and part of a renewed push for self-rule of the majority with protection of the rights of minorities.   That is what the military claim to be doing -- but can they be believed?

One thing we should have learned by now is that it is hard to introduce democracy to a culture that doesn't have the institutions to sustain it.   Developing countries often need some sort of interim arrangement, maybe a combination of free elections and the continuing presence of a benevolent military to maintain order and stability while necessary institutions develop.  The problem with that is that it is rare to find a military that is truly benevolent and willing to relinquish power once they seize it.

It's further complicated by the religious factor.   Morsi was elected on the promise that he would not set up an Islamist state;  but he seemed to be moving definitely in that direction.  That's not what the revolution was for, so the people revolted again.

Which side to choose?    My choice is democracy, as soon as they can handle itBut which side is that?  That's the question.  The Obama administration is struggling with that same issue.


1 comment:

  1. Another issue to consider, which the administration is doing but which news groups and protestors do not, is the importance of Egypt in the Middle Eastern stability?

    It is the most populous Islamic country in the area and we have relied on them to keep peace with Israel. That is an important reason for us to maintain alliance with whichever group winds up in power.

    We can't condone a tyrrany like Syria; but we can't immediately sever relations with what has been an important partner and ally.
