Saturday, September 14, 2013

Study = the more guns, the more murders

Good luck trying to get the NRA to acknowledge this, but a study published in the American Journal of Public Health shows a correlation between the incidence of gun ownership in each state and the incidence of homicide by gun in that state.

This sounds like simple common sense -- and it is;   but the gun crowd and the gun lobby insist otherwise, that guns deter crime.   That is simply not true.   The researchers in this study point out that they only found correlation and cannot say this is proof of causation.

Such caution is a mark of good science, unlike the certitude of causation the gun crowd cites inappropriately in their cherry-picked pseudo-science studies.   But this correlation holds true across the 50 U. S. states and in most of the advanced countries in the world.

If you add the deaths by accident and by suicide to these homicide deaths, there is an even stronger correlation between gun ownership and death by gun.

If guns were a virus that led to the number of deaths that guns do, we'd have massive federally funded research, major foundations to raise money, ad campaigns, and possibly even quaranteens to try to stamp out the disease.


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