Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wrong analogy for birth control in Obamacare

Noted evangelical pastor, writer, and friend of presidents, Rick Warren is generally considered reasonably moderate and balanced -- not a zealot or a bigot of the right-wing Christian fringe.

But he has always, in interviews and in his writings, struck me as being a bit fatuous and too verbally facile to be taken seriously as a deep thinker and moral philosopher.   Now he has tossed off an opinion about the wrongness of requiring employers to include contraception coverage in their health care plans for their employees.

As he put it:   "It's like making a Jewish deli sell pork."

No it's not.   You are not making companies sell birth control.   You are requiring that, if they furnish comprehensive health insurance to their employees, it must include contraception coverage because that is part of comprehensive health insurance.

It's more like telling a Jewish deli that, if they are going to sell something and call it chicken soup, it must contain chicken.   They can just choose to drop chicken soup from the menu if they have a religious objection to chicken.

And the Jewish deli can decide not to provide health insurance as an employee benefit.   If employees decide to go work for the other deli across the street that does provide health insurance, then so be it.  As conservatives are wont to say:  that's just the marketplace working.


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