Friday, June 27, 2014

Bravo, Obama ! ! !

John Boehner claims that he is going to sue President Obama to compel him to enforce existing laws.   This is about the president's use of executive orders, which Boehner claims is exceeding his constitutional authority.    In fact, Obama has issued fewer executive orders than either George W. Bush or Bill Clinton.   But never mind the facts.

President Obama called it a campaign ploy and a stunt, and he said:
"I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing. . . .  "What I've told Speaker Boehner directly is, if you're really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why don't you try getting something done through Congress?. . .  The majority of American people want to see immigration reform done. We had a bipartisan bill through the Senate. And you're going to squawk if I try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority, while you are not doing anything?"
 Bravo, Obama ! ! ! 

When one branch of government paralyzes another branch and makes it impossible for it to function in its constitutional duties, there has to be some remedy.


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