Friday, June 20, 2014

Harry Reid takes down the Cheneys

Former VEEP Dick Cheney and his political-flop daughter Liz Cheney had a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece on Wednesday, in which they declare:
"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many."
We know from the context that they are referring to President Obama.   But read that sentence, without context.   It fits perfectly with George W. Bush and his using false claims to start the Iraq war.   And we know that Dick Cheney was the major influence on Bush at that time.

Harry Reid spoke out against Cheney from the Senate floor:
"If there's one thing this country does not need, is that we should be taking advice from Dick Cheney on wars. . . .  Being on the wrong side of Dick Cheney is being on the right side of history. To the architects of the Iraq War who are now so eager to offer their expert analysis, I say . . .  thanks, but no thanks. Unfortunately, we have already tried it your way and it was the biggest foreign policy blunder in the history of the country."
Reid also challenged Republicans not to listen to those (Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Kristol, and others) who pushed for us to invade Iraq in 2003 and who are once again being interviewed on Fox News as "experts."   Reid said of them:
"After all these years, their suggestions haven't changed.  They are in a time warp. Those who are the so-called experts are so eager to commit American soldiers to another war. Why is their advice so valuable?"
The big difference now is that opponents of those views are speaking up.  The other major difference is that we have a president and his team who are not wanting to go to war.


PS:   I just signed a CREDO sponsored petition to Dick Cheney that says:
"Blaming President Obama for the current religious strife and exploding humanitarian crisis you and George W. Bush created in Iraq is utterly reprehensible. Stop your self-serving attacks on President Obama in your disgraceful pursuit of endless war at any cost."

Anyone who wants to join this petition can go to: 

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