Thursday, July 10, 2014

SCOTUS and consequecnes

Two weeks after the Supreme Court extended its string of naive, damn-the-consequences rulings -- this one, Hobby Lobby, declaring unconstitutional the Massachusetts buffer zones at abortion clinic entrances -- the results of that ruling are spreading.

The ruling only applied to the MA law and to the particular case brought by nice folks who only want to have a "quiet conversation" with women entering the clinic.  But a number of other states are already choosing not to enforce their buffer zones as well, knowing that the lawsuits will come now.   The right-to-life groups are revving up, declaring victory.

A legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom said:  ‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks."   And what about the freedom not to be harassed?

I'm sure it's only a matter of weeks before we will again see horrific images of angry, screaming zealots harassing, taking photos, and confronting women with their "baby-killer" signs just as there have always been.   Only now, they can come right up to the clinic entrance instead of staying out of the buffer zone.

Is each clinic now going to have to have police protection just to keep a clear path for people wanting to enter their building?

The very same justices who accuse liberals of "legislating from the bench" have done some of the most egregious legislating from the bench themselves.

At least spare us the pious talk in which you deny slippery slope consequences and give naive advice that there are already laws to deal with this kind of hurtful, obstructive behavior.


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