Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We could possibly elect Democrats to four state offices in Georgia

Jason Carter, Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia's November election, is making education his top campaign issue.   He wants to have a separate budget for education so that school funds cannot be so easily diverted to other uses.

We also have an excellent Democratic candidate for State School Superintendent in Valerie Wilson.   Her priority is support for public education in a time that political and business interests are trying to fool the public that education is the goal of their push for charter schools.

As I understand it, Wilson is not opposed to charter schools as demonstration projects that can ultimately improve public education;   but charter school funding should not come at the expense of the public school system.   I agree.

Here are some facts.   True, it's from a campaign letter from Wilson, but I do not doubt the truth of these claims:
"The Georgia Legislature has cut more than $8.4 billion in funding for public schools in recent years. Georgia is 35th in the nation in spending per student and invests nearly $1,400 less per student than the national average. While the governor touts that nearly half a million dollars was put into the school budget this year, a new report shows that the General Assembly shortchanged districts an average of $439 per student for the 2014-2015 school year. 
"Despite all that, my opponent proposes giving back billions . . . in education dollars. When I met with teachers at yesterday’s Georgia Education Leadership Institute, their message was clear: asking them to do more with less is crippling our classrooms. 

"Enough is enough. It’s time to stop playing politics with our children."
We have four excellent Democratic candidates for statewide offices this year.   Carter and Nunn are both running from 2% to 4% behind in the polls, but those are both close enough that they could turn into winners.  There is no good polling on the other two races.

I urge any Georgia readers to vote for:

Jason Carter for Governor.
Michelle Nunn for U. S. Senator
Greg Hecht for Georgia Attorney General
Valerie Wilson for Georgia State School Superintendent


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