Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"Guns are for men what jewelry is for women." Rep. Steve King

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has earned his reputation as one of the most reactionary of the right wing Republicans in Congress.   He won his stripes in the Iowa legislature, before coming to Congress, by getting a bill passed to make English the official language in Iowa, which has a fast-growing Latino population.

Since in Congress, he, along with Louie Gohmert and Michele Bachmann, comprise a trio who make outlandish remarks from the far right.   Some of King's choice ones:   calling illegal immigration a "slow-motion terrorist attack" on the U.S.;  declaring that Al Qaeda would be "dancing in the streets" if Obama was elected president, and insisting that racial profiling was not an issue in Ferguson, Missouri.

I had not heard this one before, but according to a profile of King in Huffington Post, he once interrupted a female Democratic colleague in a Judiciary Committee hearing on gun control leglislation to say:   "You women don't understand -- guns are for men what jewelry is for women."

Think about it.   Something that enhances their sexual attractiveness?   That's close, but not quite on target.    I'd say it was more akin to having breast implants.   Not just to enhance the appearance but to make up for an insecurity they feel about not having enough manhoo0d.


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