Saturday, November 15, 2014

McConnell's response to Obama's "coming out swinging"

This is another rant against Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy.   It's more of the same, just even more blatant and demonstrable.   Here's what he essentially says:   When we win, it means you have to do everything our way;   when you win, you have to make concessions to us.

In his victory speech, McConnell even seemed a touch gracious, looking forward to finding areas where there could be agreement and get some things done.   Ok, we'll overlook for the moment that he was one of the main reasons nothing got done.

But then as soon as President Obama starts talking about what he plans to do with his Constitutional executive powers, here's McConnell:
"I had maybe naively hoped the president would look at the results of the election and decide to come to the political center and do some business with us.  I still hope he does at some point, but the early signs are not good. . . . We'd like for the president to recognize the reality that he has the government that he has, not the one that he wishes he had, and work with us."
What he's saying here, I think, is that the people have spoken, and they put us in charge of the senate, so . . . .    But the people also chose Obama to be president for four more years in 2012.  So, the president should just roll over and do what the Republicans want?

Let's look at history on this.  Thanks to Ian Reiswitz of Daily Kos for some facts.
McConnell is now sounding high and mighty about the will of the people.   What about the will of the people in 2008?

Democrats won big majorities in both the House and Senate and a landslide electoral victory for Barack Obama.   And McConnell's response then to "the will of the people?"
"We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."
And that's what they did.    Filibustered bills that even had bipartisan support.  Blocked legislation at every opportunity, blocked appointments to the judiciary and the executive that diminished the effectiveness of government operations, worked as hard as they could to undermine the "unity government" that was the will of the people in 2008

McConnell even announced to his people that Obama should not be allowed to succeed at anything.

So, Mitch McConnell, get over yourself.    You may have won this round, but only to make you majority leader of the senate.  They did not make you king.


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