Saturday, March 14, 2015

What the letter caper means for our own government. Why it matters so much.

Regarding "that letter" (again), there's the effect on the negotiations with Iran;  there's the shocking disrespect for our commander-in-chief with roots in Obama-hatred;   there's the effect on the U.S.'s standing in the world.

And then there is this:   The dysfunctional Republican congress has reached the point that seasoned senators have allowed the most irresponsible, right-wing zealot,** the youngest member of this once-august body, to lead them to abandon the near sacrosanct agreement that -- when it comes to dealing with foreign governments and national security -- we are one nation under one leader.

Are we going to return to the late 18th century, before the U. S. Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation and established the office of president, with the power to make treaties?  Before that, individuals and even states tried to make deals with foreign governments concerning their own local issues.   That was pretty chaotic, even in a world that was magnitudes less complex and without weapons of mass destruction.

Let us not return to that.


** Another time, I'll back up this claim about Tom Cotton.

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