Friday, April 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton stands up to the Benghazi committee

At the moment at least, Hillary Clinton has got the best of Trey Gowdy, chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Gowdy has called for her to meet with the committee in a private interview.    She says she will be happy to testify in public, but not in private.

Now that is certainly the opposite of what people usually think -- that it's less embarrassing to do it in private.    But consider the history of how some Republican committee chairs deal with private evidence.

Like the Committee on Government Oversight, that used to be chaired by the reprehensible Darrell Issa and of which Trey Gowdy is currently a member, these Republicans just love to get testimony or evidence in private -- and then leak to the press selected parts that are taken out of context to distort the truth and make the testifier look bad.

Issa did it over and over again.   Gowdy has already done something similar in his current role as chair of this Select Committee.

Hillary Clinton is smart enough to know this -- and confident enough to sayNo, I am not going to let you do that to me.   I will provide you my full testimony but only if the public will have it all, not just what you might choose to leak out.

Brava, Brava  !!!    She just went a notch higher in my estimation.


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