Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dubya holds himself up as example to SMU graduates

Former president George W. Bush gave the commencement address at Southern Methodist University, where his presidential library is located.   In part, he lauded religious freedom in a way that left little doubt that he would prioritize one person's freedom of religion over another person's right to equal treatment:  that is, to deny publicly offered services to those whom one's religion disapproves of, as in refusing to bake a wedding cake for lesbians because they are lesbians.

That's predictable and, though disagreeable, it's not what I wanted to write about today.   What churned me up about Bush's address was what he probably considers some of his everyman wisdom (which really masks a rather enormous egotism, with not much to brag about IMHO).

Bush made fun of his lackluster grades at Yale (C+ average), telling the graduates:   "Those of you who are graduating this afternoon with high honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done.   And as I like to tell the C students: you too can be president."

Yes, it's possible -- with the Bush family name, with Pappy's friends and rich donors, with Karl Rove deciding to be kingmaker, and then with Dick Cheney appointing himself the puppet-master to make it all happen.

Frankly, I don't think it serves George W. well to remind people that he really wasn't very smart.  Maybe, if he'd been a little smarter -- or had studied harder at Yale and learned something -- his presidency might have been less of a disaster.  And the rush to dumb down America might not have accelerated on his watch.


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