Sunday, August 2, 2015

Race to the bottom to reach the debate stage

Mike Huckabee, in my view, is by far the most reprehensible in the outrageousness of his pandering to keep his name in the news, here in the final lap of the race to make it into the top 10 who will be on the FoxNews debate stage next Thursday night.

First he likened President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran to "marching the Israelis right up to the doors of the ovens" -- evoking the Holocaust.   He's saying Obama has doomed the Israeli's to destruction, like unto Hitler sending the Jews to the gas chambers.  

AJC opinion writer Ann McFeatters called Huckabee's statement "Not even hyperbole.  It is incendiary hooliganism."

Then, as if that weren't enough, he said that he wouldn't rule out using federal troops or the FBI to prevent women from having abortions.

This is pandering of the worst sort.  Yes, he's careful to couch it as "I wouldn't rule it out."   But what he is really pretending to advocate is totalitarianism of his own religious views.

Mike Hickabee knows better than that.   A president cannot impose his personal views to interfere with people undergoing a lawful procedure.  I doubt that Huckabee is even sincere in all his bible-banging crap.  Maybe he once was.  But he has become a shameless huckster, who now shills for a quack diabetes cure.

Perhaps seven years at FoxNews has tarnished his good nature.   Now he seems like just one more insincere politician playing to the worst in people's ignorance and prejudices -- all in the guise of religious faith.

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