Thursday, December 17, 2015

Good news #16: Murder rate lowest in 50 years

Contrary to what most people think -- and what most news media focus on -- there is good news about the amount of aggression and violence in the United States.   As compiled by Ian Reifowitz on Daily Kos, here are some facts.

The U. S. gun murder rate is now lower than it has been in at least 50 years.   By some measures it is lower than any time in the past 100 years -- or maybe even ever.

The number of mass shootings, defined as one where four or more people died -- has remained steady for decades, despite the U.S. population having doubled.

A recent Gallup0 poll, however, found that 56% of Americans thought the gun crimes were up, 26% thought there were the same, and only 12% thought they have gone down.  The actual fact is that gun murder rate is half what it was 20 years ago.

Now whose fault is this level of misperception?

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