Friday, June 24, 2016

Clinton's economic message stays progressive

If Hillary Clinton's major speech on economic issues on Wednesday was any indication, she is NOT pivoting back to the center for the general election.   I was listening specifically for whether she continued her more progressive positions from the primary.  I was stuck by how similar, in terms of policy positions, it was to a Sanders speech.  Of course, Clinton being Clinton, it was full of far more wonkish details than Sanders would have given.    Where Sanders focuses on the ultimate goals, she focuses on how to get there.   But the goals aren't that different.

Clinton continued to advocate for paid family leave, equal pay for women, debt-free college education, relief for existing student debt, expanding Dodd-Frank, a minimum wage (though she didn't mention an amount), expanding Social Security.  She railed against Wall Street greed, TPP, and big money in politics and Citizens United;  and she advocated for more taxes on the wealthy and for penalties on corporations that move their headquarters overseas to avoid taxes.  It seemed clear to me that Hillary Clinton is sticking to the progressive, populist stance she adopted in running against Sanders, not going back to the center as some people feared.


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