Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Trump nomination is about to unravel

It's hard to keep up with all the fast-breaking news of the disaster that is the Trump . . . operation.  We can't even call it a campaign, because it's just a bunch of folks doing their thing and split into competing camps.    Some developments in the last 24 hours:

1.  In addition top Republicans who yesterday denounced Trump's racist comments about Judge Curiel, House Majority Leader Paul Ryan today denounced them in strong terms.   

2.   Sen. Lindsey Graham said Trump's comments are the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy. . . .  If anybody is looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it."

3.  Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) has rescinded his endorsement of  Trump, saying that he can no longer support the nominee of his party after his racist attacks against a federal judge.  Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) says the remarks make it very difficult for her to vote for Trump.

4.  Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), who has not endorsed Trump, went even further saying that Republicans could still challenge him at the convention in July.   All it would take is a rule change to free the delegates to vote their conscience. 

5.  The online news outlet BuzzFeed has cancelled a $1.3 million contract to run political ads for Trump during the fall campaign.   BuzzFeed's CEO explained that the Trump campaign has proven to be "directly opposed to the freedoms" of our employees in the United States."
6Ron Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan, said he's not voting for Trump, "and my dad wouldn't either." 

Republican bigwigs who reluctantly jumped on his bandwagon must have a double dose of buyer's remorse now that it's obvious that Donald Trump is not capable of pivoting to a presidential demeanor.   A Republican strategist not with the Trump campaign said that, even if he could manage to look presidential for a little while, we'd still know that what we've been seeing is the real Donald Trump.   [see my PS below].   Remember the "wisdom"  of Sarah Palin:   "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

The bigwigs excuse themselves of responsibility by saying the people chose Trump.    Yes, but . . . what the people chose is a big loud mouth who is saying out loud, and with maximum vulgarity, the hidden agenda Republicans have been alluding to for decades, only they did it with dog-whistle hints.  But those who wanted that agenda got the message -- and now they've got their messenger.

Republicans, You created him.    Now you're stuck with him -- unless you can coerce him to withdraw before the convention.   Otherwise, go down in flaming defeat in November.


PS:   Trump gave a victory speech tonight, reading from a teleprompter.   It was a "calm the waters speech" -- not an apology and no reference to the judge.   But he did say "I will make you proud of me . . . I will never let you down."   Easy to say;  can he avoid it?   It wasn't the Trump who won the primaries;  it was the speech he had to give to reassure all those mentioned above.  And it may have done that -- if he can keep it up.   But, as Rachel Maddow pointed out, this Trump would not have won the primaries.   It was pretty dull, boilerplate, cliche promises.   This was not the real Trump.   So, we'll see.

PPS:   I haven't seen it but Trump apparently has already reverted, going on Sean Hannity's show and telling the Republican establishment to "get over it."

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