Friday, January 5, 2018

Moore's "Jew lawyer" supported Jones

Remember in the closing days of the Roy Moore campaign for senator from Alabama, when Moore's wife spoke at a rally to counter charges that she and her husband were anti-Semitic?    Her infamous, intended coup de grace:  "We have very close friends that are Jewish. . . .  One of our lawyers [pausing to lean in to the microphone] is a JEW!!!"

It seems that Ms. Moore was probably referring to Birmingham attorney Richard Jaffe, who represented the Moore's son in a 2016 case involving drug charges.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner, Jaffe said that he has been friends with Doug Moore for over 30 years, and "there could not be a more passionate supporter of Doug than me."   Jones also said that he has both raised and donated money to Jones' campaign.

So Ms. Moore may be correct in the fact that "one of our lawyers" is Jewish;  but her hints of a greater affinity with Mr. Jaffe now ring as hollow as did Roy Moore's whole campaign.

Thank you, voters of Alabama, for making a wise decision in your choice of senator.


UPDATE:  Last night, after I had already set this to post, I saw an update on MSNBC that I must share.    After attorney Jaffe revealed his support for Doug Jones, the Moores had a comeback.   Oh, no.   Jaffe was not the "Jew lawyer" Ms. Moore meant.  It's Martin Wishnatsky.   The only "problem" here is that Wishnatsky told reporters that, yes, he was raised as a Jew, had a Bar Mitzvah, etc.;  but that he had since converted to Christianity.   He's now an Evangelical Protestant.

Ah, so.   The Moores just can't seem to get a break.   You can't count on your Jew lawyers to stay Jews, it seems.  What a farce.   That's what happens when you try to cover up something;  you just make it worse.

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