Saturday, May 5, 2018

The basic incompetence of our president

Trump's lawyers don't want him to testify for Mueller's investigation because he is incapable of sticking to the truth and will inevitably perjure himself.

Consider what this means.   Our presiden, and the commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the world. not only willfully lies to suit any purpose of the moment -- but he is really incapable of keeping track of what he says from one day to the next.   How much of it is due to (1) a lack of any concept of "truth," so there is no guiding light for him to go by;   (2)  such a frequency of lying that he simply can't remember what he said before;  or (3) a willful attempt to deceive in the moment?

No doubt it's a mix of all three.   Consider the effect on our allies, as well as our negotiating partners and adversaries.    The perfect example is that in the month of May 2018, Trump is preparing to have a high level meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong-un over its nuclear capability and arsenal -- and at the same time insisting that he will pull the U.S. out of the nuclear agreement we made with Iran.

How can North Korea trust anything Trump agrees to -- if he at the same time is reneging on an agreement the U.S.  entered into, along with the U.K., France, Germany, Russia, and China -- and with Iran, about its nuclear capability and arsenal?

Yes, the Iran deal was made by the Obama administration.   But we cannot conduct any meaningful foreign policy if each new administration does not honor the commitments made by previous administrations.

Trump has already established his reputation as a chronic, serial liar.   Who believes anything he says?   Why would Kim Jong-un?   How can our own Congress?    How can the American people believe this man?

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