Saturday, September 15, 2018

Trump is "not all that different now, but the stakes are higher."

In an op-ed in the New York Daily News, former long-time Trump Organization vice president Barbara Res says that Trump is "not all that different now, [from when she worked for him] but the stakes are higher."

Res, who was in charge of construction for the Trump Organization, gives an example when Trump Tower was being built.   Trump ordered an architect to "get rid of the [expletive] Braille" on the elevator button pads.   "No blind people are going to live in Trump Tower.  Just do it," Res quotes Trump as having said.

Then she explains that Trump likely knew the architect would never remove the Braille.  It's required by law.    But ordering "an underling to do something that was impossible" was a win-win situation for him.   He could bash his workers for disobeying his orders and blame them if anything later went wrong.

She was also critical of the anonymous op-ed writer from the Trump staff.    She wrote:   "The self-aggrandizing Anonymous wants the world to know that there are adults in the room.   Really?   What the hell are they doing?"


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