Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Future of ShrinkRap

A friend and reader of ShrinkRap called me to ask if I am all right -- which led to my realization that some people who also know me personally take the appearance of new posts as indication that I am indeed still "all right" in terms of my health.   After all, I am 86 years old with known health problems.

The truth is that this current hiatus in postings did begin when I was hospitalized for three days for a relatively minor complication of my heart disease.   I've recovered from that manageable complication, but I just haven't felt motivated to get back into the political stuff I usually write about.

So let's just say that I'm suspending regular postings for an indeterminate time.  It may be short or prolonged.   I'm trying to let my interest in the news, rather than a compulsive need to be predictable, guide when I post.

Frankly, I find very little interest in the news right now.   I'm convinced we have an unfit man sitting in the Oval Office.  We have two different methods for removing him (impeachment and the 25th amendment) -- and neither responsible body seems willing or to have the will to carry out their role.

Perhaps the next Democratic debate (this coming Thursday) will spark an interest.

But for now -- let's just consider this a hiatus and wait to see what happens.    Suggest you check back in a week, and perhaps I'll have a more definitive message.


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