Friday, March 27, 2009

God's spokesman misspoke

On Tuesday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution published a "Guest Column" that I wrote, based on the blog I did on here last week about the Pope's irresponsible message saying that condoms actually increase the spread of HIV/AIDS.

I had an email today from someone who challenged my views, and in responding to him I further clarified the way I made my point. So I'll reprint some of it here.

There is no disputing the fact that abstinence and faithful monogamy with an uninfected partner have the least risk of HIV transmission in individuals who live their lives in that way.

The question though is what is most effective from a public health viewpoint, given that such a large percentage of the world's population do not follow those rules. The next most effective method is the correct use of condoms, which has shown to be 97% effective in preventing transmission from an HIV+ partner to his uninfected partner in a relationship over time.

I understand what the Pope meant: if you compare abstinence/monogamy with condoms, condoms are less effective (by 3% actually) -- and relying on them instead of on abstinence increases the risk by 3% and instead of monogamy somewhat less, maybe 1% or 2%, given that some monogamous partners will unknowingly be HIV+ from previous sexual contacts or contaminated needles or blood.

That is a very small difference to make such a fuss over: 97% vs 98-100%. So my thought is that it was theology, more than public health, that motivated the pope's message.

But that's not the way the world heard his message anyway. People heard it as saying condoms will increase your risk over what it would be if you did not use condoms. So all the people who don't really want to use condoms (most everyone) will use it as an excuse to have sex without condoms -- because God's spokesman here on Earth to a 1.2 billion people said they actually increase the risk.

That is why the message was so irresponsible, because he did not clarify the question: riskier compared to what? Compared to abstinence? Yes, slightly. Compared to casual sex without condoms? Absolutely not.

Now, is that clear, Your Holiness? It is you, Your Holiness, and your message that will increase the spread of HIV, not condoms. Do you see why rational people are outraged that you spread such misinformation?


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