Tuesday, March 24, 2009

GOP to Cheney: Just go away

The Hill reports that some Republicans want Dick Cheney to go back to his undisclosed location and just shut up.

Congressional Republicans are displeased with his recent appearances, saying he's hurting their efforts to rebuild the party. With approval ratings even lower than g. bush's, his defending the bush record and criticizing a popular president are only making things worse, they say.

The only thing good to say about Cheney's post-VP demeanor is that it makes g. bush look better by comparison. At least he had the decency to decline to criticize Obama, saying "he deserves my silence."

One Republican lawmaker said Cheney did Republicans no favors. "I could never understand him anyway."

Tyrants out of power lose their power to scare people. And then they turn on you.

How sweet it is !!



  1. I don't want him to go away. I want him to go to court [see iran-contra reunion]!

  2. Try again: I don't want him to go away. I want him to go to court [see iran-contra reunion]!
