Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama's 6 week report card

In an NBC/WallStreetJournal opinion poll, President Obama's approval rating stands at his all-time high of 68%; and 41% feel that the country is headed in the right direction, compared with 26% only a month ago.
"What is amazing here is how much political capital Obama has spent in the first six weeks," said Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. "And against that, he stands at the end of this six weeks with as much or more capital in the bank."
These high marks for Obama and his performance thus far come despite the fact that only 7% are satisfied with the state of the economy and 76% believe we have not yet hit the bottom. These figures suggest that it is faith in Obama's ability and the hope he inspires, which are absolute necessities alongside an effective plan.

It also suggests vulnerability for the Obama administration if people do not begin to see some results within the coming year. Obama is aware of this, and he is pushing programs that can show some early results. Already today, there are news stories of construction projects that states are ready to begin, now that the stimulus money is being distributed. This will create jobs and slow the unemployment avalanche, but we have to be ready to see progress in that slowing and wait a long time to see a reversal.

Meanwhile, Republicans did not come off well at all in the NBC/WSJ poll. Only 26% view the Republican party favorably, an all time low. By 48%-20%, they think the Democratic Party would do a better job of getting the country out of the recession. Congressional Republicans are blamed by 41% for the partisanship in Washington; 24% blame the Democrats. Pollster Hart says the Republicans "have been tone deaf to the results of the 2008 election... They never heard the message. They continue to preach the old-time religion."

I don't think we have to worry about their approval ratings improving any time soon, given the antics coming out of the C-PAC meeting and the big flap over King Rush and his acolytes and who is head of the GOP.


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